Designed Experiments: Recent Advances in Methods and Applications

University of Technology Sydney, Australia
14 - 17 December 2015
Design of Experiments is a fundamental part of the knowledge discovery process in science and engineering, and has impact in a wide variety of fields. Stimulus for novel research in the Design of Experiments comes from advances in technology and techniques in application fields important to science and society. These advances often result in complex experiments, for example, with large numbers of factors, many levels of randomisation, or with the aim of estimating or discriminating between nonlinear models. When these experiments cannot be designed using established methods, they motivate methodological and theoretical advances in the design of experiments. Many recent advances in the subject have come from just this synergy between application and methodology.
DEMA 2015 will bring together researchers and practitioners for the interchange of new ideas on the design and analysis of experiments. The workshop will emphasise both methodology and application areas and should be of interest to scientists and engineers who use experiments, as well as to statisticians.
The workshop will include invited presentations from international speakers. Researchers of all levels of experience, including PhD students, are encouraged to participate and submit abstracts for talks and poster presentations.
Scholarships will be available to assist with the conference expenses of a small number of junior researchers who contribute a poster or talk.
Unfortunately, no further applications for scholarships can now be considered.