Designed Experiments: Recent Advances in Methods and Applications

University of Technology Sydney, Australia
14 - 17 December 2015
Registration fees:
Before 1 September 2015
Standard rate: $550 (Australian Dollars)
Students/retired/unemployed: $390 (Australian Dollars)
From 1 September 2015 onwards
Standard rate: $650 (Australian Dollars)
Students/retired/unemployed: $490 (Australian Dollars)
To register, please complete the below form. You will then be provided with a link to the online payment page.
Some early career scholarships may be available for junior researchers to help with conference and travel costs. Preference will be given to PhD students and those within 3 years of completing their PhD.
If you wish to apply for a scholarship, please make sure you also submit an abstract and email a copy of your CV to